Sunday, January 30, 2011

Modern clothing

The modern Chinese clothing springs from traditional designs and customs. Today the social occasions see dressed men in a refined traditional long dress. Women wear a modified form of fashion from the ch' Ch'ing dynasty. There are endless variations on this old clothes in height, length and width and ornaments. Even have the Silk weaving and spinning techniques from the past with modernity and textile industry developed around grown around you make. Chinese modern clothing therefore helps people not only in China but also around the world enjoy traditional features and modern chic in clothing apparels.

The influential all ancient times is perhaps the Shang dynasty, when Silk weaving, spinning and make was developed. The modern Chinese clothing differs visually, yet deeply rooted and interwoven with history. Ancient Chinese art and clothing has and remain to influence modern Chinese clothing majorly. China is fully modern cultural, not traditional; This is evident in their way of life, modern adaptations of old way dress and even through old forms of art than images on modern clothes. Despite the introduction of Western influences and the business suit and jeans country China and modern Chinese clothing remains deeply rooted in history and ancient religion and practices of the country.


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